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Field Station
The University of Mississippi



The UM Field Station is located 18 km east of the Oxford campus of the University of Mississippi in north Mississippi (34.432818, – 89.390258), in the ecoregion 65e (Northern Hilly Gulf Coastal Plain) and is within 100 km of ecoregions 72 and 73.  The original property was a bait minnow farm constructed in 1947.  It is comprised of 780 acres of mixed hardwood forest, former pasture land and 220 experimental ponds ranging in size from 0.04 ha to approximately 1 ha.  The ponds comprise a total area of about 90 ha.  Additionally, a 1.86 ha impoundment of a portion of Bay Springs Branch of Puskus Creek is located on the property.  The field station watershed is drained by 4.4 km of first and second order stream.  Approximately half of the UM Field Station was once a working cattle ranch and the remainder is covered in ponds from when the property was once used as a minnow farm.  Several of the ponds and much of the rangeland has been allowed to enter into the process of ecological succession.



Screen Shot 2016-05-17 at 1.33.08 PMThe main research building and an adjoining building at the Field Station house several offices and laboratories. Two 200-square-foot and three 500-square-foot laboratories have hoods and are suitable for studies utilizing chemicals. Also there is a 500-square-foot culturing laboratory, and a 400-square-foot aquarium room.  Adjoining the offices is a 400-square-foot conference room suitable for a maximum of 15 to 20 people. A 1,900-square-foot greenhouse is available for use by researchers.

The primary teaching facility has a 1,450- square-foot auditorium, two 1,000-square-foot teaching laboratories, an 800-square-foot general office area and three small laboratory rooms, one with a hood.

A two-bedroom cabin with bath and kitchen is available for use by visiting students and researchers. There is also a small four-bunk cabin without utilities available for overnight use.